Julius Brigita
Weekly magazine for women and men. Published in Vilnius, Lithuania, Europe by my last employer
UAB Respublikos leidiniai, The largest Lithuanian Publishing Company.
2006-2010 (InDesign, Photoshop, Iliustrator) .
UAB Respublikos leidiniai, The largest Lithuanian Publishing Company.
2006-2010 (InDesign, Photoshop, Iliustrator) .
- Prehistory: UAB “Respublikos leidiniai” has many supplements, which appears weekly with a newspaper. Two of them – Julius and Brigita – have come out on Saturdays for fourteen years . Fourteen years – is a very long time for supplements and as every marketing products they needed renovation. So, for a couple of months our editors, designers and marketing specialists had a big headeche – we mused on how to renovate Julius and Brigita.
- Renovation: We made several important decisions. Design has been totally changed – not only format, paper etc., but these supplements have been merged. Now you can read them from one through the other side (one side – for women, the other – for men). Content has been also changed – all the stories, reports, interviews etc. have to be presented in a new way. For example, on both covers of this magazine we have decided to put photos of famous families or just pairs. And in the middle of the magazine – they answer to the same questions about each other (but not simultaneously so they could not tune up their answers).