Monthly student magazine about lifestyle and entertainment.
Published in Austin, TX and customized for six districts.
2012 (InDesign, Photoshop, Iliustrator)
Published in Austin, TX and customized for six districts.
2012 (InDesign, Photoshop, Iliustrator)
Weekly lifestile magazine for women and men.
Published in Vilnius, Lithuania, Europe UAB Respublikos leidiniai.
2007-2010 (InDesign, Photoshop, Iliustrator) .
Published in Vilnius, Lithuania, Europe UAB Respublikos leidiniai.
2007-2010 (InDesign, Photoshop, Iliustrator) .
- Prehistory: UAB “Respublikos leidiniai” has many supplements, which appears weekly with a newspaper. Two of them – Julius and Brigita – have come out on Saturdays for fourteen years . Fourteen years – is a very long time for supplements and as every marketing products they needed renovation. So, for a couple of months our editors, designers and marketing specialists had a big headeche – we mused on how to renovate Julius and Brigita.
- Renovation: We made several important decisions. Design has been totally changed – not only format, paper etc., but these supplements have been merged. Now you can read them from one through the other side (one side – for women, the other – for men). Content has been also changed – all the stories, reports, interviews etc. have to be presented in a new way. For example, on both covers of this magazine we have decided to put photos of famous families or just pairs. And in the middle of the magazine – they answer to the same questions about each other (but not simultaneously so they could not tune up their answers).
Weekly magazine for youth about the entertainment in Lithuania.
Published by UAB Respublikos leidiniai.
2006-2010 (QuarkXPress, InDesign, Photoshop)
Published by UAB Respublikos leidiniai.
2006-2010 (QuarkXPress, InDesign, Photoshop)
The first independent Lithuanian national daily newspaper. Established in 1988. (more info)
2006-2010 (QuarkXPress, InDesign, Photoshop)
2006-2010 (QuarkXPress, InDesign, Photoshop)
Auto Bild is a leading German automobile magazine. It is published by Axel Springer AG, and first appeared in 1986. AUTO BILD with its worldwide licensed editions, of which more than 7 million copies are sold every month, is published in 36 countries. Auto Bild Lietuva magazine is published by UAB Veidas periodicals publishing.
2006 (QuarkXPress, Photoshop)
2006 (QuarkXPress, Photoshop)
Twice a month periodical for consumer who wants to learn more IT technologies.
Computer Bild Lietuva magazine is published by UAB Veidas periodicals publishing.
2006 (QuarkXPress, Photoshop)
Computer Bild Lietuva magazine is published by UAB Veidas periodicals publishing.
2006 (QuarkXPress, Photoshop)
VEIDAS (The Face)
Veidas is weekly news magazine published in Lithuania. It focuses on the world news, politics and economy. Published by UAB Veidas periodicals publishing.
2006 (QuarkXPress)
2006 (QuarkXPress)